SCP-106 is a mobile threat and appears quite often, able to spawn at any time near the player in an attempt to injure them and pull them through the floor to it's pocket dimension. SCP-106 is the second SCP the player will encounter and his distorted laughter can be heard and a huge puddle of corrosive liquid is visible.

SCP-106 is also capable of scaling any vertical surface and can remain suspended upside down indefinitely and causes a "corrosion" effect in all solid matter it comes in contact with. SCP-106 is not exceptionally agile, and will remain motionless for days at a time, waiting for prey. SCP-106 (also known as The Old Man) appears as an elderly humanoid with general appearance of advanced decomposition. If MTF operatives encounter SCP-049, one of them will be killed by a lethal touch and the rest of them will quickly back off and run away from him. SCP-049 is capable of using elevators and can outpace the player's walking speed. SCP-049 can be found by using a elevator to an tunnel and it will extend it's arm in an attempt to touch the player. It is classified as Eucuid and is capable of English, appearing to have a kindly personality and believes it is "treating" it's victims of an unknown pathogen, and is quite docile. It is covered in a garb of the traditional Plague Doctor from 15-16th century Europe with the material being part of it's body. SCP-049 (also known as the Plague Doctor) is a humanoid SCP that follows the player upon releasing it and will attempt to "cure" the player, turning them into a zombie. If MTF operatives encounter it, they will proceed to re-contain it while ignoring the player by using a large cage and returning it to it's containment chamber. SCP-173 is the first SCP that the player encounters and often appears in lockrooms, catwalks, the small control room, the electrical room and sometimes in the metal corridoors. Line of sight must not be broken at any time with SCP-173 as it will move quickly to attack by snapping the necks of or strangling it's target. It is classified as Euclid and is animate and extremely hostile, though cannot move while within a direct line of sight. SCP-173 (also known as The Sculpture) is the first SCP ever contained and is constructed from concrete and rebar with traces of Krylon brand spray paint.

Inside SCP-860 (also.Story Introduction Endings Characters Gameplay Controls SCP's SCP-173.This can prove to be useful if encountering SCP-096, a humanoid creature that will chase and kill the player if they view its face. The player can blink manually by pressing the spacebar and can also shut their eyes for an extended period of time by holding down the spacebar.

It is important to keep in mind when encountering SCP-173, a statue that is capable of moving at high speeds whenever it is not in the player's direct line-of-sight with each blink SCP-173 will move closer to the player. Blinking is a basic mechanic that is measured by the blink bar in the HUD. The game's main feature is the blinking mechanic. The main objective is to guide D-9341, a test subject, through the facility while trying to survive any hazards. SCP - Containment Breach is a game played by Markiplier.